Monday, May 31, 2010

The Surgery: Part II

The surgery actually took three and a half hours! They almost gave my poor husband a heart attack because no one updated him on my progress. He had a big list of family and friends to call, who happen to be made up of mostly impatient people, and he knew nothing. Just when he had decided to raise the roof, my doctor came out and spoke to him. They originally thought I had three, maybe four fibroids. There were TWENTY THREE! The OB said once she made the first incision, and realized how bad it really was, she decided to slow down the procedure to make sure they could really get everything. There were three fibroids the size of twelve-week pregnancies! I couldn't believe it. I really had been having awful periods and loads of pain, but I never thought it was that bad. I was just happy they didn't have to give me a hysterectomy.

I was in the hospital for four days. The first day was a blur of pain and drugs. The second day was not so bad. The third day I was told if I passed gas I could go home. I have never wanted to fart so bad in my life! The pain was incredible! I felt like I had gas in my eyebrows. It was awful. Finally the next morning I took care of that and was sent home.

I have to say when you get married you promise to love and cherish, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, but you never realize that means you have to take a poop with your husband, who you're still embarrased to pass gas in front of, holding your hand! Jaime is a soldier! He never faltered. If he ever slept, I didn't see it. While I was in the hospital and after I was home, if I made the smallest noise, he was there. If I needed a sip of water, he was ready with the straw. If I had to use the bathroom at 3am, he was awake and ready to help me out of bed. I knew he loved me, but I'm still blown away by the amount of love he's shown me. I wouldn't have made it through this rough time with out him. He is the best. And I love him.

It has been five weeks now. My incision looks great! As long as I never get a brazilian wax, Jaime will never notice it. Tomorrow is my post-op appointment and my birthday! It should be a great day.
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Surgery: Part I

As I told you earlier. I was a bit upset the week before my surgery. I was really worried things would go wrong. Surprisingly, on the morning of, I was completely calm. I had no thoughts of doom or gloom. I pray all of the time. I just asked if HE would take away the feeling of dread, and HE did. Jaime and I talked and laughed while we waited for the OB to come. He was doing his best to be strong, but it was working. While I was blanketed under the Lord's power of calm, my poor husband looked like he was the one going under the knife. He literally turned green!

When my OB/GYN finally came into pre-op she told us the surgery would take one and a half to two hours. She assured Jaime that she would take care of me. In so many words, he assured her there was not a crack in hell she could hide in if she didn't. So in my SEXY gown, I went in for the removal of my fibroids. (I wonder why fibroids plague so many black women?) I kissed my "green" husband, and was wheeled into the OR. I only remember oxygen being applied to my face, a ten minute nap, and waking up to a look of relief on my husband's face.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I Am Changing - Constance Lopez

Constance Lopez - The Color Purple

Blues in the Night - Constance Lopez


I had my Myomectomy on April 28th. My check in time was 10:30am. Well, y'all know how you can't eat after midnight the day of your surgery. I was cool with it. The stomach was rumbling, but I was dealing. Jaime was nice enough to not eat in front of me that morning. We made our way to Kaiser and we were actually on time. We went to the pre-op waiting room to check in and wait. I guess it was alot of surgeries that day because it was packed. The woman sitting across from us had her whole family there. She was in her early sixties and beautiful. She smiled at me because we were both rocking "surgery cornrows". (You still need to maintain your sexy even when you're recovering!) When her grandsons came to join the rest of the family, they brought two big bags of Del Taco with them. Now normally the smell of "Del Crapo", as my husband calls it, turns my stomach, but today I felt like busting them in the head and running off with both bags. I mean fo real yo! Hello! You are in a waiting room full of people who haven't eaten in half a day! It was like 'Night of the Living Dead' and we all wanted brains! FINALLY they called me to the back so I could get undress and put on the ULTRA-SEXY hospital gown. Thank goodness! I was about to commit a crime!